Monday, November 16, 2009

Star Week!

As part of the birthday honors for Charlotte, it was her "Star Week" at preschool. Part of her responsibilities as the Star student was to make a poster about herself so her class could get to know her better. Look at what a great job our girl did! Oh and she also got to bring in snacks all week for the class and donate a book to the school. What a good deal for, um, her.

Didn't she do a fabulous job??? You can click the pic above for a nice closeup to see the details. To avoid any confusion, her age is 4/5 this week, because she turns five on Wednesday so half the week she's 4, and half she's 5. Makes sense, no?

1 comment:

ChiefLiveNotDie said...

I now have a new definition of domination: Charlotte at 5.