Monday, November 26, 2007

Nana Visit

We had a wonderful visit from Nana (who's nickname per Charlotte is "Grandma Mary") this past week. We endured the fall chill on a few walks...

... and she was so entertaining to Charlotte, that we just might have to hire her out for her next birthday party.
(You can see a few more pictures of Charlotte's new princess costume from Uncle Dan and Aunt Natara, nicknamed "Aunt Chetara", HERE if you so desire)

Nana even chipped in by doing some laundry for us. Thanks Nana!
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007


In Seattle we met, in the pouring rain
where we gathered to prepare for the big Cal game.

Thankfully the tailgate was BEFORE the game had begun, and we managed to get in a just litte fun.

Charlotte and Ryan were the best dressed of the group, and didn't seem to mind that the Bears played like poop.
You can check out some more pictures from the day by clicking here, if you so desire.

Thanks for coming everyone, we'll run it back in 2009 when we'll hopefully be able to watch some decent football.

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The Wood Band

They have matching PJ's (a Charlotte requirement these days) and they have talent. So sit back, relax and enjoy the show. I give you THE WOOD BAND!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy 16th birthday Clipster!

Charlotte A.K.A. "The Clipster," turned three years old this past weekend! She claims she turned 16 ("the same age as Ariel") but in fact that is still 13 years away.

Charlotte invited over a few friends on the day, blew out candles, ate cake, danced with streamers, played in the kitchen, opened presents, and gave hugs. A wonderful third birthday.

(You can see the collage in zoom below if you click on it.)

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Fall Time in Seattle

The leaves have turned in Montlake...

Barkley doesn't seem to mind though...

... neither does Charlotte..

Charlotte: Why is it called 'Fall'?
Mom: Because that's when the leaves "fall".
Charlotte: Why?
Mom: Because the trees have to grow new leaves for the Spring.
Charlotte: Why?
Mom: Because that's when the sun comes back.
Charlotte: Why?
Mom: Because the Earth's axis is tilted related to the orbital plane.
Charlotte: Why?

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Sunday, November 11, 2007


Pop Quiz: What's green, fun, wiggly, and fun? No not a baby frog, it's JELLO!
Charlotte got to have some jello fun with Doni the other night. In PJ's of course.
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Little Walker

Our little guy shows off his "velociraptor" style of walking the house

VIDEO PROOF! Note Ryan meditating prior to his big walk!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Let's get this potty started!

We were all VERY proud of Charlotte and her potty training... until yesterday she seemed to have a little bit of a setback...

Barkley is potty training too, but we wont add any pictures. (She's doing great)
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Fun at the GREAT granparent's home

We all had a great time visiting PapaDon and GranLloyd at Parshore this past weekend. GranLloyd has done an amazing job finding cool toys for the kids.

Ryan LOVED climbing on top of the garage

Charlotte showed off her Princess Jasmine costume... Ry Ry had a ball...

GranLloyd even helped the kids clean up once the playing was over

Football PJ Fun

Charlotte and Ryan just got new matching "football helmet" pajamas!
Here are the three kids playing in their sleeping outfits. Barkley took her turn sleeping in the crate.

Shhh, don't tall Ryan he's riding the car backwards...

PJ wresting match


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