Friday, March 28, 2008

Back to the drawing board

Ryan's most common request these days is for us to draw him a pickup truck with a dog, boy, and a chicken in the bed. Also he's a big fan of the space needle, moons, stars, and construction trucks of all kinds.

Charlotte loves drawing too. She mostly does the drawing herself, but does request princesses to be drawn at times.

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Spring fun at the park

Ryan bravely scoots across the balance beam...

"Dude, that was EASY"

Charlotte and BFF Riley have some fun on the slides!
OK... 1... 2... 3...

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Cause and Effect

Step 1. Nutella and Bananas
(Yes, this was Charlotte's first fresh banana without gagging. She's quite the adventurous eater you know. The last picture was the "proof".)
But if you are going to eat like that, you better go on to...

Step 2. The Dentist.
(Charlotte was a VERY good patient at Dr Ty's)

(note her fashionable socks combo. Picked out herself)
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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Good times at the Seattle Aquarium

We had a BLAST at the Seattle Aquarium today.

Ryan LOVED the sea otters, both the real ones, and the wooden ones.

Ryan and Charlotte took turns feeding each other at the new restaurant upstairs. The food isn't bad, you should check it out if you're there.
(remember, you can click on the pictures to zoom on them)

And no trip to the Aquarium would be complete without a trip to the face (er, hand) painter!
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Charlotte the scientiest

Charlotte and her mom learn all about combining colors in their make shift dining room table laboratory.

She is also SO excited about gardening with her mom this year!

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Fun in the sun

The weather has just gotten good in Seattle, THANKFULLY! So we took advantage of it and spent the afternoon at the very awesome playground at Magnuson Park.
(nice picture to click on)

Ryan spent a lot of time with the truck toys there...

...while Chrlotte LOVED the slides and climbing all over.

Ryan invited all of his park friends to swing with him.
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