Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Alice the Cricket

Alice is the Cricket who came to live with Charlotte for a few days...

..when she was at Cricket Day (!) during a preschool visit.

After her sleep-over, Alice was shown the front yard, where Charlotte picked out an appropriate habitat for Alice's new home.

BYE ALICE! We'll be seeing you around the neighborhood...
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Music Class

The Wood Kids and Cousin Connor enjoy music class together on Tuesdays.

Aunt Mela has been learning the intricacies of playing the rattle..

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

That curious kid

Charlotte is still enjoying school a ton. A few weeks ago she came home telling us all about using a magnifying glass at school ... she now has her very own looking glass.
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That clever kid

Our kids are pretty curious and clever these days. Ryan says pretty much every word in the English and Mandarin Dictionary. His favorite thing to say is "backhoe [pause] scoop [pause] duuuuump!" He also likes to kid around and claim that everything is the color green -- he loves to get our "that's not greeeeen!" reaction. He can even point to his facial features, what a clever little boy!