Saturday, July 26, 2008

Alki Beach

Alki is a really fun place to spend the day. You can rent a SURREY with a Fringe on TOP. What could be better?

They even have ice cream there... in HUGE STRAWBERRY scoops.

You can DIG on the beach, which is always a good time...

... but all that digging can lead to sudden tiredness, and naps with dump trucks.
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Friday, July 25, 2008

Phone pix

I just downloaded my pix of the kids from my cell phone, so here are a few good ones... (you can always click on the collage to see them close up!)

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Healthy Woods!

The Wood Kids are all healthy again! (knock on ... well, you know). Here are some shots of our first healthy outings in a few weeks...

Charlotte and her mom got out of the house and enjoyed their first Microsoft Picnic last weekend! Well, calling it a "picnic" is a bit like calling Disnay Land a "good spot for a play date". Charlotte enjoyed the pony rides, bouncy houses, clown shows, ice cream, arts and crafts, paddle boats, and face painters. And they didn't even get a chance to check out the casinos and beer gardens...

While the ladies hit the picnic, Ryan was still a little under the weather, so we had a nice mellow day at the Zoo! He LOVED the Flamingos.

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sick Woods

The Wood Family has been sick for a few weeks... blog is temporarily on hold until we come up for air.

These two unknown actors reenact Charlotte and Ryan trying on their new clothes that mommy and daddy bought for them to wear at all times when around other kids.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Charlotte's first soccer practice

Here is some awesome footage of our little girl at her first soccer practice.
(She's the one on the far right at the beginning of the video)

The plot line of the video goes like this:

1. Our star jumps over her soccer ball in a drill
2. She is told to then kick the ball in the goal
3. She dribbles up, passes a nice "give and go" to the instructor
4. Then note the little boy who picks up her ball and throws it in for her
5. She then retrieves the ball, and while the class waits, kicks it back in the goal as instructed. I also give her HUGE props for not using her hands the entire time.

A future star, I'm telling you.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Charlotte and Ryan had a BLAST this past weekend with their cousins Collin and Gavin who dragged their parents all the way from Denver for a visit. Here are some pictures from their awesome week together...

If you want to see the pictures standing still, and/or download them, click on the picture below...

A Fun Visit with the McKinzie Cousins


Charlotte and neighbor / buddy Abby had a super fun playdate the other day

They painted some real masterpieces...

... and did a little horseback riding, of course.
They even let the boys join in the fun.

Ryan and Connor weren't as fearless as the girls on "Cloudy",
(a.k.a. "Princess", a.k.a. "Dump Truck")
but they figured there was safety in numbers.
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Ryan's New Robe

Ryan shows off his new Truck Robe

Our little Hugh Hefner

Ryan and his buddy/cousin enjoy'n the afternoon

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