Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ry post nap today ...

Ryan proves that you can suck a paci and still deliver a look that says "I am going to f*** you up!!!"

But he does have a pretty soft side too ...

Friday, April 24, 2009



Yesterday was National Take Your Daugther To Work Day. I picked Charlotte up after school (11:30a) and brought her to Microsoft. She attended a short stand-up meeting where she moved stick-its of Mom's tasks along a work board. We then met with Mommy's boss about Fiscal Year 2010 travel budgets and then went to the cafeteria. Charlotte insisted on taking lunch back to the office because she didn't want to miss any work. Charlotte spent her day drawing on the white board, making art, and typing numbers and letters on Mom's spare laptop. She is a good little worker bee.
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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Preschool Easter Party!

Charlotte and Kara went to the Pebbles Easter Party today and had a blast!  Charlotte had her bunny ears and Easter dress on... she was all set.

There of course was an easter egg hunt...

... but also an EGG RACE!

Charlotte's friend Ella did NOT want her picture taken



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First Swim Lesson

Charlotte and her good buddy Riley were READY for their first swim lesson together. They had previously gone shopping to buy matching swimsuits, and, well, what else do you need?

(click to enlarge)

Poppy Time

Malcolm / Poppy visited this past weekend, and per the norm, Kara put him to work on the yard and house. Thanks Mal! He also got some fun in... like setting up some fun Easter Egg coloring with his Granddaughter.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009


We all had a great time up at the beach cabin this past weekend for the traditional (and cold) cabin opening in March. We celebrated a few birthdays, ate a TON of good food, and had a great time on the windy beach. I am certain the 19 of us (Sofia, Connor, Ryan, Charlotte, Patrick, Tad, Mela, Shannon, Kara, Nate, Matt, Francie, Cathy, Dick, Jenny, DB, Nancy, John, and Michelle) broke the record for "most palella eaten" on Clinton Beach. There were no leftovers.

You can click on the sideshow to see the whole album...

Boris The Tortoise

It's SPRING BREAK for Charlotte, and we are the lucky adopters of her preschool's pet, Boris, The Russian Tortoise. Boris pretty much hides all day long, except in the morning when he eats his breakfast of 4 pieces of romaine lettuce, which takes him about 2 hours.


Here is some EXCITING video of Boris, and the Wood Kids talking about him: