Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day

The kids treated me well on Dad's Day this year.... Charlotte has been trying to buy me clothes for about a year now, and picked out this black shirt for me.

We then had a wonderful walk around Greenlake, but all the fun of the day got to Charlotte and she just wanted to nap on her mom. Ryan was VERY happy to watch the dogs, boats, and people go by.


Yummm... Woody Car...
And they put together this awesome video for me too. Aren't they the best?

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Nate said...

Wow. Awesome card C&R! You should teach Connor some of those AV skills.

Liz Bennett said...

I love seeing my good friends in their children's faces... they are beautiful!

Happy Father's Day.


PS Good soundtrack.

Unknown said...

Living the Dream... so great isn't it? Love you guys and can't wait to see you.